“Einmal Niederlande und Zurück” is an exhibition that Todd van Hulzen Design created at the Haus der Niederlande in Münster, Germany about German areas under Dutch control after the Second World War. Artifacts and archive materials tell the story of Dutch indignation, retribution and dreams of expansion after the war, as well as the life of Germans living under Dutch rule, cultural shifts and enduring identity.
The exhibition was achieved on a limited budget using a system of standard plot-cut panels printed on a flatbed printer and then fitted together without the use of hardware or tools. Panels were cut from single standard sheets of underlayment plywood. The glass cases were lined with 8mm recycled grey felt. The paper archival objects were hung without frames or passe-partouts, but were instead suspended betweeen 3mm rare-earth magnets and ferous screws projecting from the felt background.
The project was realized with our perennial partner Studio Louter (content and production), as well as Victor van der Meiden (construction), Leanna McAlpine (graphics) and Rijnja Repro (printing and cutting).
The exhibition will also travel to Sittard (NL) and to Bocholtz (NL).