The Dutch province of Flevoland, entirely reclaimed from the sea in the 1950s and 1960s, has great swathes of open space and relatively new “nature”. As such there is a remarkable amount of so called Land Art in the province. Land Art is an artform analogous to sculpture that employs a number of elements not found in conventional artforms, the most important of which is it’s placement outside as an element in the landscape.
The new Flavoland Kunstmuseum “M” has as its mission the conservation, propagation and exhibition of Land Art in the Netherlands, and specifically in Flevoland. To this end Todd van Hulzen designed an exhibition for their temporary space in Almere, a pavilion in the open water of Almere’s lake, the Weerwater.
The exhibition consisted of a number of interactive displays that encouraged visitors, young and old, to imagine what it is like to create land art and, so doing, understand better the elements that typify it. Visitors have a palette of common land art hallmarks to work with: the use of natural materials, the use of the sun’s shadows, the exploration of time and erosion, the relativity of the human body, and the use of sound and performance. The whole exhibit is backed by an expressionist landscape made of colored paper.